Press Release
UN terms smoke-free air the norm worldwide
(07 November 2008)

Islamabad: While Pakistan is yet to take a decision on reversal of the widely criticised statutory regulatory order (SRO) containing guidelines for the establishment of designated smoking areas (DSA), the United Nations General Assembly set a shining example on November 3 by making the United Nations Headquarters in New York City completely smoke-free.

“The UN’s leadership sends an important message to all its member countries that smoke-free air is now the norm worldwide,” Shoba John, co-chair of the Global Smoke-free Partnership, which supported the resolution, is reported to have said. More than 180 nongovernmental organizations from around the world signed onto a statement of support for a smoke-free UN created by the Global Smoke-free Partnership.

This decision brings United Nations General Assembly rules into line with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the global tobacco control treaty that 160 countries have ratified. The FCTC requires member countries to enact effective smoke-free air laws in all indoor workplaces and public places. The decision also brings United Nations rules into line with the strong smoke-free air laws in force throughout New York City and New York State.

Specialized agencies within the United Nations System establish their own smoking policies independently of the General Assembly. Several agencies, such as the World Health Organisation and the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) have had complete smoking bans in place for many years. The General Assembly resolution presents a unique opportunity and political mandate for all UN agencies to bring their policies in line with Headquarters.

The United Nations is following the lead of a growing list of countries that require smoke-free air in public places and workplaces, including restaurants, bars and pubs. The list includes Ireland, Italy, Bermuda, Uruguay, Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, France, South Africa and Thailand.


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